
Skoltech projects is a web platform that provides Skoltech students with a convenient means of putting information about their projects online, thus bringing the following benefits for the Skolkovo community:

  • for Skoltech – to create a positive image of the institute that fosters scientists and entrepreneurs engaged in real projects;
  • for Skoltech students – to obtain valuable feedback about their projects, find collaborators and mentors, be aware about other students' projects;
  • for people outside of Skoltech – to get a clear vision of the projects and activities led at Skoltech. 


  1. testers + their feedback
  2. designer, a good one
  3. php developer


  • November 21 - Skoltech Entrepreneurial Challenge
  • February 12 - opened for Skoltech students
  • January 12 -  Minimum Viable Product
  • December - moved to projects.skoltech.ru
  • November - prototype is ready
  • September - Skoltech supported the initiative
  • August - start of development

May the force be with you